
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Article -

Article -
Search 2.0 wishlist!
As this article vaildates, some of the prominent features of Search 2.0 will be :
Real-time or Near-Real-time Search
Twitter has led the way, but a lot more will follow. Federated Search with Feed-Forward will surely be of value to customers in the days to come. Content Crawling will only provide half the solution. With rate of Internet Content doubling every few months, it is but obvious that users demand information that is as recent as possible.
Quality, not Quantity!
Throwing up 4.8 million search results in .47 seconds is great, but of little value when over 80% of users dont even go to the second page! Average Search-to-Desired result takes upto 45 minutes of searching and refining the Search over and over again. The Quality of the Search Results, even if it take a few seconds more, will be worth the wait.
Universal Search Results
Results displaying Multimedia formats has just been introduced by Google and Bing! The Quality certainly needs some attention.
Multimedia Search
Google and Yahoo were born in the age of text. The content on the web has moved onto Photos and Videos! Nilesen just reported 10 Billion Online Videos viewed in May 2009. Aren't our Big Boys behind time?! We will need searching on Videos and Images as well. Just trowing up results based on tags will not be sufficient.
Visual Results reporting
Textual listing has worked well over the years, but with RIA invading the net, the user expectations have obviously changed. Isn'nt it time that the Big boys caught up!
Multimedia SEO/PPC
If we are entering the age of Image and Video Content, can Image/Video Ads be far behind? Inline and Overlay adverts will come to stay sooner. SEO/PPC will need to integrate Image and Video content to stay current

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Chand returns to Fiza, apologises#postcommentarea#postcommentarea#postcommentarea

Chand returns to Fiza, apologises
Is this the best of the news headlines that NDTV could find the whole country called India?!! What a waste!! What differnce does Chand and his moll do to a country with 824 million living under a dollar a day!?
The Indian Media is taking its readers/viewers to be abject morons!? They would do well to stick to responsible journalism and not indulge in stupid sensationalism or irrelevant and nondescript coverage such as this! About time that they wake up before they get the treatment that our politicians received in the recent elections for their gimmicks!